Finding risks and opportunities for European media landscapes

  • MEDIADELCOM is a three-year research project financed by Horizon 2020 – the EU’s funding programme for research and innovation.

  • MEDIADELCOM involves 17 teams representing 14 EU countries, from Western as well as Central and Eastern Europe.

  • MEDIADELCOM’s co-ordinator is the University of Tartu (Estonia). The project started in March 2021.

Critical Exploration of Media Related Risks and Opportunities for Deliberative Communication: Development Scenarios of the European Media Landscape

Project’s full title

The project is financed by the EU’s funding programme for research and innovation Horizon 2020. 17 teams representing 14 EU countries participate in MEDIADELCOM. The project is coordinated by the University of Tartu (Estonia) and has started in March 2021, lasting until March 2024.

The overall objective of MEDIADELCOM is to develop a diagnostic tool (multiple scenario building model) for policy makers, educators, media critical bodies and institutions, as well as for media experts and journalists, which enables the provision of holistic assessment of risks and opportunities concerning deliberative communication and consequently social cohesion in Europe.

Photo by Daniel McCullough on Unsplash

The tool enables drawing multiple risks and opportunity scenarios of the European media landscape at large, as well as the development of media landscapes in individual countries. Conceptual and operational variables for multiple scenarios will be created by thoroughly examining the diachronic and synchronic changes in news media ecosystems in 14 European countries with special attention to Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).

News and more

This website provides various information about the project. You will find news items, featured notes, podcasts, figures, illustrations and what not. Welcome to explore the pages and find out the essence of MEDIADELCOM.

Project publications

The consortium is obliged to submit deliverables, such as country studies and comparative analyses on research capabilities and quality, on critical junctures of media development, and also forecast scenarios in the form of policy briefs, reports, books and other. All the public publications will be found or at least referred to on this webpage.

Bibliographical database

As country case studies will produce a large number of references to relevant studies, all this data will be assembled into one common combined bibliographical database, structured thematically and listed by the authors. The “by-product” of case studies aggregates bibliography that will afterwards be used for writing articles, monographs and conference papers, and for comparative analysis of the case studies. The bibliography will put forth a public deliverable under WP2.

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