Zrinjka Peruško
Professor in media sociology
PhD in sociology
The leader of the Croatian team, she is a comparative communication scholar engaged in the analysis of transformations of media systems, media cultures and audience dynamics, and mediatization of journalism, audiences, and media systems, often with a historical perspective and with a focus on the CEE. Her current research interest focuses on the double hybridity of de-democratized media systems and the authoritarian/illiberal turn in contemporary media policy, media systems and media culture, in relation to the transformations related to mediatization of society. Her latest book is Comparing Post-socialist Media Systems: the Case of Southeast Europe (with Dina Vozab and Antonija ÄŒuvalo, Routledge 2021).
Dina Vozab
Assistant Professor
PhD in political science
Her research interest focus is on media and democracy, political communication, media systems, media in post-socialist Europe and media audiences. Her book (Un)informed citizens: political participation in the new media environment was published in Croatian in Zagreb in 2019 (Jesenski Turk).
Iva Nenadić
Post-doctoral researcher
PhD in communication
Her research focus is on media pluralism, journalism, and political communication in the context of content moderation policies of online platforms, democratic implications such policies may have, and related regulatory interventions.
Filip Trbojević
PhD student in Political Science
His research interest focus is on media systems, democratic transformations, and qualitative and quantitative research methodology. His doctoral thesis will focus on the relation between hybrid (media) regimes and deliberative democracy / communication.
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