#29. Prof. Daniel Hallin reflecting the draft country case studies at the consortium meeting in Sofia, BG

MEDIAdelcom H2020
MEDIAdelcom H2020
#29. Prof. Daniel Hallin reflecting the draft country case studies at the consortium meeting in Sofia, BG
27 Oct 2022

This episode provides a retrospect onto the Mediadelcom consortium meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria. The agenda, inter alia, included discussions with the Advisory Board. Professor Daniel Hallin (University of California, San Diego), co-author of the famous book Comparing Media Systems had thoroughly been reading the country case study reports and sheared his observations to the consortium in Sofia. One of his observations was about the GDPR. In many reports, it appears that it’s causing hindering effects to freedom of expression and access to public information.

Project coordinator Halliki Harro-Loit in brief tells about the meeting’s focuses. Regarding ‘best practices’, the episode provides a “teaser quote” by Ioana Avădani, RO, referring to a near future podcast episode on that topic.

Intro jingle by Zen Man from Pixabay
Music by Musictown from Pixabay

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