#53. Final conference in Brussels, panel 1: discussing the results of the project and its impact on the media governance

MEDIAdelcom H2020
MEDIAdelcom H2020
#53. Final conference in Brussels, panel 1: discussing the results of the project and its impact on the media governance
26 Feb 2024

We have mics on the Mediadeldom final conference (Panel 1) discussing the results of the project and its impact on the media governance. Listening the keynote speeches. Professor Zrinjka Peruško (University of Zagreb, HR) talking about on the Mediadelcom project results: the European deliberative communication index and more (1:29). Marius Dragomir (Director of the Media and Journalism Research Center) talked about the future of European media in the context of media capture and disinformation. He also paid attention to the Mediadelcom’s concept of wisdom-based media governance (5:04). Within the panel discussion, Professor Eric Heinze (UK) put up the question about deliberation under an unexpected angle: wouldn’t deliberative communication exclude the hate speakers from getting the floor (7:46) and got responded by two more professors sitting in the audience: Daniel Hallin (Mediadelcom advisory board, USA, 11:25) and Halliki Harro-Loit (the Mediadelcom principal investigator, EE, 13:10). Ioana Avădani (President of CJI, RO) discoursed on the EU media policies, which every member country tends to implement in a different way (15:04).

Intro jingle by Zen Man from Pixabay
Music by Denys Kyshchuk from Pixabay

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