#54. Responce to a listener: the state-of-art of journalism and journalists

MEDIAdelcom H2020
MEDIAdelcom H2020
#54. Responce to a listener: the state-of-art of journalism and journalists
8 Apr 2024

IThe episode responds to a letter from a listener who, based on earlier episodes, asked if journalism was out of date. And also to tell more about the state-of-journalists according to the Mediadelcom findings. The essence of the letter, which gives feedbacki to episodes #37 and #40. Conditions in particular countries: Ioana Avădani, RO (4:10); Marcus Kreutler, DE (8:12); MichaÅ‚ GÅ‚owacki, PL (11:06). Project coordinator’s overview regarding the project’s findings: is the journalism out of date? – Halliki Harro-Loit, EE (13:38).

Intro jingle by Zen Man from Pixabay
Music by Music by BackgroundMusicLab from Pixabay

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