Deliverable 2.1. Approaching deliberative communication: Studies on monitoring capability and on critical junctures of media development in 14 EU countries
The project is examining media related risks and opportunities (MROs) for deliberative developments. This report consists of two case studies per country (28 case studies). The introductory chapter (cover text) includes brief overview of theory and methodology of both case studies. On this website, the deliverable report has been cut into smaller topical pieces while to the European Commission was submitted in one large PDF. Both the huge file and the cut sections have reference options for future academic usage. Works can be downloaded.
Deliverable 2.2. Bibliographical data of media and journalism research related to risks and opportunities for deliberative communication in 14 countries (in 2000-2020)
The main goal of the data gathering was to make it possible to describe and assess news media monitoring capability in each participating country. The theoretical-methodological framework of four domains where potential ROs appear (journalism, media related competences, media usage patterns and legal and ethical regulation) guided the selection of the publications. The matrices of relevant variables for each domain were worked out, which directed the selection process. Involving experts from 14 different countries, not only internationally available data and research, but also the studies in national languages are included.
Deliverable 5.1. E-book about news media related risks for deliberative communication in 14 consortium member country languages
The aim of this deliverable is to report in a popular mode about news media related risks for deliberative communication in 14 country languages, based on Mediadelcom so-far research. As to the task 5.6, teaching and self-learning materials shall be prepared for schools, including this e-book being prepared, tested and launched.
Deliverable 5.5. Policy brief proposing recommendations for media governance
One of the starting points of the Mediadelcom’s policy recommendations is that more attention needs to be paid to the conditions under which different regulations are implemented. This in turn means asking how the regulations in each country need to be changed to motivate key players to act differently from now. The document includes particular recommendations regarding every participating country (see the table of contents on page 7).
Deliverable 4.1. Creation of multiple scenarios
This deliverable aims to forecast media transformation scenarios in the participating countries and Europe. In the course of testing various approaches for scenario building the consortium finally agreed that scenarios regarding the “wisdom based media governance” will be constructed as traditional narratives. In the first phase of scenario building, the University of Tartu team also tested the applicability of the agent-based modelling approach to “wisdom-based media governance”. However, it was not feasible to create a full list of Corporate and Primary Agents that suit various countries. Also there was not enough data for calibration.
Book 1. Monitoring Mediascapes
This book focuses on the capability of different European countries to collect relevant data, carry out research and analysis and finally assess the risks and opportunities associated with media development in terms of the societies’ potential for deliberative communication. This is an Open Access publication. Hereby, the PDF is an unofficial e-version of the printed book. The official version is to come soon.
Special numbers of journals
Media and Communication, Vol 12 (2024). Democracy and Media Transformations in the 21st Century: Analysing Knowledge and Expertise. Edited by Epp Lauk & Peter Berglez.
Media Literacy and Academic Research, Vol. 6, No. 2. (2023). Web page Download the issue
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