#55. Mediadelcom wrapped up

MEDIAdelcom H2020
MEDIAdelcom H2020
#55. Mediadelcom wrapped up
10 May 2024

This is the final episode of the Mediadelcom podcasts. We base the project’s final discussion on the talks at the roundtable of the Mediadelcom conference in Brussels. You can catch up the entire conference from the Facebook pages of Mediadelcom and the Media Diversity Institute. Popped up during the concluding remarks, research on deliberative communication might keep going to gain longitudinal data. Also, another necessity emerging among various mediascape agents was the urgency of exploring the media use repertoires shaped by the social media. For researchers, educators and policy makers – to design studies, curricula and policies.

Speakers: Daniel Hallin, Mediadelcom advisory board, USA (2:40, 11:04, 23:09); Maria Jufereva-Skuratovski, Member of the Parliament, EE (7:31); Boguslawa Dobek-Ostrowska, Mediadelcom advisory board, PL (12:03); Anne Leppäjärvi, vice-president of EJTA, FI (18:15); Halliki Harro-Loit (the Mediadelcom project coordinator, EE, 14:51, 21:04); outro (26:20).

Intro jingle by Zen Man from Pixabay
Music by sonoko n from Pixabay

Views: 39

#54. Responce to a listener: the state-of-art of journalism and journalists

MEDIAdelcom H2020
MEDIAdelcom H2020
#54. Responce to a listener: the state-of-art of journalism and journalists
8 Apr 2024

IThe episode responds to a letter from a listener who, based on earlier episodes, asked if journalism was out of date. And also to tell more about the state-of-journalists according to the Mediadelcom findings. The essence of the letter, which gives feedbacki to episodes #37 and #40. Conditions in particular countries: Ioana Avădani, RO (4:10); Marcus Kreutler, DE (8:12); Michał Głowacki, PL (11:06). Project coordinator’s overview regarding the project’s findings: is the journalism out of date? – Halliki Harro-Loit, EE (13:38).

Intro jingle by Zen Man from Pixabay
Music by Music by BackgroundMusicLab from Pixabay

Views: 28

#53. Final conference in Brussels, panel 1: discussing the results of the project and its impact on the media governance

MEDIAdelcom H2020
MEDIAdelcom H2020
#53. Final conference in Brussels, panel 1: discussing the results of the project and its impact on the media governance
26 Feb 2024

We have mics on the Mediadeldom final conference (Panel 1) discussing the results of the project and its impact on the media governance. Listening the keynote speeches. Professor Zrinjka Peruško (University of Zagreb, HR) talking about on the Mediadelcom project results: the European deliberative communication index and more (1:29). Marius Dragomir (Director of the Media and Journalism Research Center) talked about the future of European media in the context of media capture and disinformation. He also paid attention to the Mediadelcom’s concept of wisdom-based media governance (5:04). Within the panel discussion, Professor Eric Heinze (UK) put up the question about deliberation under an unexpected angle: wouldn’t deliberative communication exclude the hate speakers from getting the floor (7:46) and got responded by two more professors sitting in the audience: Daniel Hallin (Mediadelcom advisory board, USA, 11:25) and Halliki Harro-Loit (the Mediadelcom principal investigator, EE, 13:10). Ioana Avădani (President of CJI, RO) discoursed on the EU media policies, which every member country tends to implement in a different way (15:04).

Intro jingle by Zen Man from Pixabay
Music by Denys Kyshchuk from Pixabay

Views: 44

#52. Mediadelcom recommendations address media governance

MEDIAdelcom H2020
MEDIAdelcom H2020
#52. Mediadelcom recommendations address media governance
11 Feb 2024

In this episode, we deliberate upon Mediadelcom recommendations for media governance: for the EU and all participating countries. Texts can be accessed on our website. Country parties and the Coordinator open up some backgrounds. The speakers are: Halliki Harro-Loit, EE (1:42); Ioana Avădani, RO (4:43); Michał Głowacki, PL (8:19); Jan Motal, CZ (11:50); Marcus Kreutler, DE (14:08) and Tobias Eberwein, AT (15:45).

Intro jingle by Zen Man from Pixabay
Music by JuliusH from Pixabay

Views: 49

#51. Mediadelcom compiles scenarios for deliberative communication

MEDIAdelcom H2020
MEDIAdelcom H2020
#51. Mediadelcom compiles scenarios for deliberative communication
3 Feb 2024

One of the last tasks for Mediadelcom is to develop scenarios upon deliberative communication. The innovation lies in agent-based approach involving computer analysis. To large extent, it has been a pilot testing the compatibility of the chosen methodology for the particular aim. Moreover, the work of the project has exhibited that there are more gaps in the monitored knowledge than prognosticated and this has influenced the fluency of all later activities of Mediadelcom. The speakers are the project coordinator Halliki Harro-Loit (EE), Ioana Avădani (RO), Michał Głowacki (PL) and Marcus Kreutler (DE).

Intro jingle by Zen Man from Pixabay
Music by Owl_Glance from Pixabay

Views: 45

#50. Turning risks into opportunities

MEDIAdelcom H2020
MEDIAdelcom H2020
#50. Turning risks into opportunities
14 Jan 2024

As the Mediadelcom project enters its final stages, project coordinator Halliki Harro-Loit (EE) gives an overview of the main risks and opportunities for deliberative communication and explains where the gaps in knowledge on the media are. What has the project found so far and what does it mean for the media and citizens of Europe?

Intro jingle by Zen Man from Pixabay
Queue music by Iaio from Audio Library PlusYoutube

Views: 43

#49. Wisdom and dialogue

MEDIAdelcom H2020
MEDIAdelcom H2020
#49. Wisdom and dialogue
16 Dec 2023

What benefits would more dialogue between researchers and policy makers have when it comes to the media? In the latest Mediadelcom podcast, project’s coordinator Halliki Harro-Loit explains why she is advocating for a wisdom-based approach to media policy. What is it and what difference would it make? Hosted by Tanya Sakzewski.

Intro jingle by Zen Man from Pixabay
Queue music by Iaio from Audio Library PlusYoutube

We Wish You a Merry Christmas (Vocals) by Jingle Punks from YouTube Audio Library

Views: 28

#48. Mediadelcom country teams’ reflections upon the project before Grand Finish. Part 3

MEDIAdelcom H2020
MEDIAdelcom H2020
#48. Mediadelcom country teams' reflections upon the project before Grand Finish. Part 3
11 Dec 2023

Mediadelcom podcast continues with the retrospect series, in which the participating teams look back on the three years of the project – and its distinctive character. This is the third part of the series. The consortium members value the most the cooperation between the teams and have plans for future joint activities. Also, the empirical operationalization of deliberative communication was created, helping to impel the discussions about deliberative democracy.

This episode presents the perspectives by the next five teams. Croatia – Zrinjka Peruško & Filip Trbojević (starting at 2:54); Italy – Sergio Splendore & Javier Amores (9:08); Greece – Anna Kandyla (16:24); Bulgaria – Lilia Raycheva, Mariyan Tomov, Lora Nikolova, Neli Velinova and Nadezhda Miteva (19:33) and Media Diversity Institute Global – Milica Pesic (29:37). Seasonal greetings (34:42).

Intro jingle by Zen Man from Pixabay
Music by Denys Kyshchuk & Oleg Kyrylkovv from Pixabay; ABSounds & Veaceslav Draganov from Jamendo and E’s Jammy Jams from Youtube.

Views: 37

#47. Mediadelcom country teams’ reflections upon the project before Grand Finish. Part 2

MEDIAdelcom H2020
MEDIAdelcom H2020
#47. Mediadelcom country teams' reflections upon the project before Grand Finish. Part 2
24 Nov 2023

Mediadelcom podcast continues with the retrospect series, in which the participating teams look back on the three years of the project – and its distinctive character. This is the second part of the series. This series will conclude the year 2023 but yet not the entire Mediadelcom project. We have two more ongoing months next year, including the final conference in Brussels on February 15, 2024. This episode presents the perspectives by the next five teams. Poland – Michał Głowacki & Jacek Mikucki (starting at 1:53); Estonia – Halliki Harro-Loit & Epp Lauk (6:17); Latvia – Anda Rožukalne & Ilva Skulte (15:00); Austria – Tobias Eberwein, Christina Krakowsky & Christian Oggolder (21:14) and Germany – Marcus Kreutler & Susanne Fengler (30:40). The Estonian team also provides the sentiment of the coordinator.

Intro jingle by Zen Man from Pixabay
Music by Denys Kyshchuk, Grand_Project, Alexey Ivanov, Platon from Pixabay; and @musicfree6348 & YouTube Audio Library from Youtube.

Views: 40

#46. Mediadelcom country teams’ reflections upon the project before Grand Finish. Part 1

MEDIAdelcom H2020
MEDIAdelcom H2020
#46. Mediadelcom country teams' reflections upon the project before Grand Finish. Part 1
10 Nov 2023

Mediadelcom is closing in upon the final destination, or the finish. Some publications will be going to be prepared and published after that but the regular work of the EU Horizon 2020 project Mediadelcom will come to its scheduled end. This will be at the end of February. In the next three episodes, Mediadelcom country teams will make kind of retrospect on the job done and the related emotions. Apparently, the countries at the top of our comparative rankings are therewhile quite critical towards their domestic situation regarding deliberative communication. We will pick up the notes presented by all country teams. This episode presents the perspectives by five teams. Sweden – Peter Berglez, Lars Nord, Mart Ots (starting at 1:52); Slovakia – Ľudmila Čábyová, Andrej Brník, Ján Višňovský, Juliána Mináriková (4:49); Hungary – Petra Szávai, Ágnes Urbán (10:30); Romania – Ioana Avădani (13:22) and Czechia – Lenka Waschková Císařová, Iveta Jansová (16:04).

Intro jingle by Zen Man from Pixabay
Music by Maksym Dudchyk, Denys Kyshchuk, Paolo Argento, Platon from Pixabay; and ByRagin from Jamendo

Views: 55

#45. What does a deliberative approach look like?

MEDIAdelcom H2020
MEDIAdelcom H2020
#45. What does a deliberative approach look like?
31 Oct 2023

What would a debate on migration or elections look like with a deliberative approach? In the latest MEDIADELCOM podcast we find out what those differences would be and how it would affect us – the public. We also take stock of the project as it enters its final stages.

The guests in the podcast: Lars Nord (SE), Iveta Jansová (CZ), Ioana Avădani (RO), Christina Krakovsky and Tobias Eberwein (AT), Eric Larsen (Editor of the Coloradoan newspaper, USA), Martin Carcasson (Center for Public Deliberation, CO-USA), Gro Engen (NRK, NO), Marcus Kreutler (DE), Anna Kandyla (GR), Chris Anderson (The Journalism Manifesto). Hosted by Tanya Sakzewski.

Regarding the essence of deliberative communication, please relisten our podcast ep. #2

Intro jingle by Zen Man from Pixabay
Que music by Iaio from Audio Library PlusYoutube

Music by Won Jong Hwa from Pixabay

Views: 47

#44. Final efforts by Mediadelcom

MEDIAdelcom H2020
MEDIAdelcom H2020
#44. Final efforts by Mediadelcom
15 Oct 2023

Some six months have been left until the end of the Mediadelcom project. A consortium meeting took place in Bucharest, Romania. In the light of this meeting, we shall talk about the final efforts of Mediadelcom completing all drafted outcomes. There will be two books along with the articles in journals, policy recommendations for media policy makers, future scenarios regarding deliberative communications and what not. The pieces recorded in Bucharest provide insights into these issues.

Marcus Kreutler (DE), Tobias Eberwein (AT), Zrinjka Peruško (HR), Ilva Skulte (LV), Slavomir Galik (SK) and Halliki Harro-Loit (EE) talk.

Intro jingle by Zen Man from Pixabay
Music by Jeong Min from Pixabay

Views: 35

#43. Polarisation: challenges for the media in Austria

MEDIAdelcom H2020
MEDIAdelcom H2020
#43. Polarisation: challenges for the media in Austria
26 Aug 2023

Austria has a long tradition of community media. It also has a problem with polarization. What role can grassroots media play in tackling the issue and is there a role for deliberative journalism? In the latest Mediadelcom podcast, we talk to two members of the Mediadelcom team in Austria about their research findings and the challenges the media is facing in their country.

Guests: Tobias Eberwein and Christina Krakovsky.
Hosted by Tanya Sakzewski.

This episode has been produced by Media Diversity Institute Global, the member of the Mediadelcom consortium.

Jingle music by Zen Man from Pixabay
Music by Iaio from Audio Library PlusYoutube

Views: 25

#42. The need for cooperation

MEDIAdelcom H2020
MEDIAdelcom H2020
#42. The need for cooperation
5 Aug 2023

The media operates relatively freely in the Czech Republic, but like many other countries in the EU, it faces challenges, including concentration of ownership and disinformation. But the rise of independent media and a new generation of journalists are raising hopes of change. In this Mediadelcom podcast, we talk to Iveta Jansová from the Czechia team about the need for more cooperation to facilitate deliberative communications and journalism, which will better represent the interests and needs of citizens.

Guest: Iveta Jansová, Assistant Professor, Department of Media Studies and Journalism, MUNI.
Hosted by Tanya Sakzewski.

This episode has been produced by Media Diversity Institute Global, the member of the Mediadelcom consortium.

Intro jingle by Zen Man from Pixabay
Music by Iaio from Audio Library PlusYoutube

Views: 28

#41. The value of listening

MEDIAdelcom H2020
MEDIAdelcom H2020
#41. The value of listening
18 Jul 2023

Like many countries, Romania’s media is facing numerous challenges including polarization and failing to connect with the public. So what role could deliberative journalism and deliberative communications play in addresses those problems and why is listening so important? In the latest Mediadelcom podcast, we talk to Ioana Avădani, President, Centre for Independent Journalism, Bucharest and member of the Mediadelcom team to find out more about the challenges as well as the outlook for the media.

Guest: Ioana Avădani, President, Centre for Independent Journalism, Bucharest, Romania.
Hosted by Tanya Sakzewski.

This episode has been produced by Media Diversity Institute Global, the member of the Mediadelcom consortium.

Intro jingle by Zen Man from Pixabay
Music by Iaio from Audio Library PlusYoutube

Views: 61