Curriculum Vitae
Norbert Vrabec

Assoc. prof. Norbert Vrabec is media researcher, head of the Department of Media Education and director at the Centre of Media Literacy, which is the part of the Faculty of Mass Media Communication of the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava (Slovakia). His research activities are focused mainly on the relationship between youth and media, social impacts of digital technologies and methodological aspects of research in media and media education.
He participates in several development projects in media studies and media literacy. He has been represented as the national partner in several cross-national comparative survey projects, such as EU Kids Online (EUKO), TRANSLIT and European Audiovisual Observatory. His publication activities focus on media literacy development, media research and new media.
Aas the national partner, he has been participating in several cross-national comparative survey projects, such as EU Kids Online (EUKO), TRANSLIT and European Audiovisual Observatory. His publication activities focus on media literacy development, media research and new media. Member of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), UNESCO-UNAOC UNITWIN Network for Media and Information Literacy, European Association for Viewers Interests (EAVI), The Slovak EU Kids Online Team, Media Literacy Expert Group and International Association for Media Education (IAME).
Norbert Vrabec is the editor-in-chief of the Media Literacy and Academic Research (indexed in Web of Science), a scientific journal focused on the academic reflection of media and information literacy issues, media education, critical thinking, digital media and new trends related areas of media and communication studies. The journal is devoted to addressing contemporary issues and future developments related to the interdisciplinary academic discussion, empirical research results, and the mutual interaction of expertise in media and information studies, media education, and their sociological, psychological, political, linguistic and technological aspects.
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