Curriculum Vitae

Zora Hudíková


Assoc. prof. Zora Hudíková graduated in psychology at the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University in Bratislava, and defended her dissertation in the field of journalism at the Department of Journalism at the same university.

She has a habilitation in mass media studies. For many years she worked at Slovak Television as a coach of the development of the creator’s personality, journalistic competences and communication skills. She has collaborated and is collaborating with other public and private media. She created and implemented the concept of education of creative staff of STV, as well as a system for evaluating the quality of presentation of speakers. She has authored and directed several programs on radio and television.

She has taught at several journalism and mass media colleges. She works now as a teacher, a researcher, and a head of the Department of Artistic Communication on the Faculty of Mass Media Communication University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. She is the Editor-In-Chief of scientific-art journal, the European Journal of Media, Art and Photography.

Her research and teaching activities include psychology of the media, personality of the creator and recipient, cognitive processing and the effects of media content, creativity, management of creative teams, radio journalism, socio-cultural aspects of the market environment, and media competences. She has worked on more projects, published several dozen scientific and professional studies and articles at home and abroad as well as several university publications.

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